About release of the latest e-Parcel client software.

On February 1st, 2009, we released an upgrade version of e-Parcel client software
"e-Parcel VCN CommCenter 6.0.6019".
For more detail, please see the following descriptions.

Available data communication with VCN CommCenter 6.0 each other. (Unavailable data communication with VCN-CommCenter 7.0 and VCN-Web Enterprise.)


Update to the latest e-Parcel client software

As a result of this upgrade to the latest client software "e-Parcel VCN CommCenter 6.0.6019" (releasing on February. 1st, 2009), you will notice the following changes. We would recommend you to upgrade e-Parcel client software to the latest version because the significant bug of the data delivery fixed for it.



It was reported to find the following bug in the software. In case of setting your local time (except UTC) on your PC/Server, it must occur that a sent data fails in delivery (The status of sent item stop in initializing step.) if you send a data between 0:00 a.m. January 1st (Local Time) and 0:00 a.m. January 1st UTC (GMT). For example, in case of setting JST as your local time on your PC/Server, it must occur between 0:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. January 1st (JST). It is necessary to reboot e-Parcel client software for recovering a failed service.


Release Note

Latest bug fixed for the e-Parcel client software. it must occur that a sent data fails in delivery (The status of sent item stop in initializing step.) if you send a data between 0:00 a.m. January 1st (Local Time) and 0:00 a.m. January 1st UTC (GMT).

※It will occur this issue annually on January 1st. Please complete your upgrade by the end of this year 2009. We will appreciate your understanding and cooperation in advance.


Upgrade procedures

Upgrade now(32KB)

1. Uninstall the existing client software.

2. Once you complete uninstalling it, reboot user's PC or server.

3.Download and install the latest e-Parcel VCN CommCenter


To download the upgraded software, click VCN Login.

*To download, login into the [User Login - My VCN] on the VCN login page, and then see the "Step 2" e-Parcel Service Software Download section on the "Software" menu.


The target products for update

For Windows OS/the e-Parcel client software

e-Parcel VCN CommCenter 6.0

ATABOK Secure File Transfer


The products manual

We provides our customers with the products manual(*.PDF file) which assist you with each operation.

Download here


Contact Us

Please feel free to contact our sales division or representatives by e-mail at

E-mail sales@e-parcel.co.jp

*The inquiry form on this Web site is also available.


e-Parcel Customer Support

Scope of Support We offer the customer support services that respond to the technical inquiries, troubleshooting and all sorts of requests about e-Parcel service. Our customer support in English is available by e-mail.
Business Hours 9:00 - 17:00JST Mon - Fri
(Closed on Sat, Sun and National holidays)

We are afraid that the inquiries outside of our business hours will be replied on the next business day, and the inquiries congestion may cause not to be replied promptly despite 24-hour reception for the inquiries.
Contact Address To request the customer support services,
please email us
with your e-Parcel ID (User ID) specified.
E-mail support@e-parcel.co.jp